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Our Location

Maxfield Hall, one of the first buildings constructed on the Rice University campus in 1912, is home to the Center for Computational Finance and Economic Systems (CoFES).

Maxfield Hall, which was formerly the Mechanical Laboratory, is located in the Engineering Quad and is also home to Rice’s Department of Statistics.

Robert and Katherine Maxfield and the Maxfield Foundation committed $5 million for the renovation of the building, which was completed in the summer of 2021. Maxfield Hall contains classrooms, laboratory space, and conference rooms. The Engineering Quad features three massive triptych sculptures of granite monoliths by Michael Heizer showing 45°, 90°, and 180°.


For general inquiries and partnerships, or to sign up for our newsletter, email

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Physical Address
6100 Main St.
Maxfield Hall, Suite 113
Houston, TX, 77005

Mailing Address
CoFES MS-138
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX, 77251-1892
