Our Mission
CoFES is dedicated to the advancement of quantitative finance and economic systems and their ultimate impact on society. Using and developing modern computational, statistical and mathematical techniques for modeling complex problems, we strive to deliver world-class research, expand education and advance public knowledge.
Students apply technical know-how and explore career options
Nelson joined BDT & MSD as an analyst upon graduating from Rice in 2020.
Rice University alumnus was one of 600 trailblazers in North America to make the Forbes’ 2023 list of 30 Under 30
Trading simulation platforms boost student knowledge
Contact Us
For general inquiries and partnerships, or to sign up for our newsletter, email cofes@rice.edu.

Physical Address
6100 Main St.
Maxfield Hall, Suite 113
Houston, TX, 77005
Mailing Address
CoFES MS-138
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX, 77251-1892